Keep away from food stuffs, empty foods tuff containers
Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin.
Use hand gloves while drawing Symptoms Of osso nine the lines
First Aid
Ifs was lowed, do induce vomiting or give liquid or allyl.
If clothing and skin are
contaminated, remove the clothes and wash
If clothing and skin are contaminated,
remove the clothes and wash
the contaminated skin with copious amount of scrap and water
If eyes are
contaminated, flush with plenty of saline/clean water for
about 10 to 15 minutes
If inhaled, remove the patient to fresh air.
Dispos all Of Used Container
Packages shall be broken and buried away from habitation.
The used packages shall
not outside to prevent their re-use.
Packages or surplus materials and washing from
the machines and containers should be disposed off in safe manner so as to prevent
environment and water pollution.
No specific antidote is known, Treat symptomatically. Antihi stamines may be given to
control all energies.
Symptoms Of osso nine
Nervousness, anxiety, tremor, convulsions, skin all energies, sneezing running nose and
imitation may occur
Storage Conditions
The package containing the material be stored in separate room or primises away from the
rooms or promises used for storing other articles or shall be kept in separ at almirahs
under lock and key depending uponthe quantity and nature of the material.
The rooms
or premises meant for storing the insectiside shall be well it and ventilated and of
sufficient dimension to avoid contamination with vapour.